My Hidden Text


Our Mission Statement

The Christian Education Ministry of Abington Presbyterian Church exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ by:

  • Equipping children, youth and adults with an expanding knowledge of the Christian faith.
  • Providing the church community with the opportunity to explore what it means to be “Christ in our time”.
  • Cultivating a desire to reach out, welcome, affirm, and love every individual as Christ first loved us.

Goals and Objectives

Biblical literacy
  • Children will know and cherish the Bible as the story of God’s relationship with humanity through the Israelites, the prophets, the parables of Jesus, the writings and journeys of the Apostle Paul, and much more.
  • With their knowledge of the biblical story, youth will be able to relate and interpret their Christian faith through the bible and the culture they live in every day fostering a life-long desire to know God’s Word more deeply
  • Adults will know and cherish the Biblical story and apply its teachings to their own lives regardless of their level of previous biblical knowledge.
Confirm the promises made at baptism
  • To raise each child in the Christian faith so that they can one day declare Jesus Christ as their own Lord and Savior.
Mission and service to others in need to the glory of God
  • Summer mission trips expose youth to new environments, new people, and a new understanding of their place in the world.
  • Establish regular mission-oriented opportunities, along with the Mission Council, for children, youth and adults.
Participation in the worshiping community
  • Children and youth will be welcome in the worship service through regular participation in worship through singing hymns and choral pieces, a children’s message, children’s bulletins, and spending one Sunday per church school rotation in worship.
  • Seasonal services will be designed for children and their families (Christmas Eve, Easter, etc.).

In the Presbyterian Church (USA), education has always been one of the highest priorities of the church’s ministry. The education ministry at Abington Presbyterian Church is comprehensive with educational opportunities for children, youth, and adults. The majority of our educational opportunities occur on Sunday morning, but others occur at various times during the week.

The education ministry is one of the many responsibilities of the Session. It is delegated to the Christian Education Council which has oversight over the entire ministry. Its work is divided into several sub-committees: Children’s Ministry, Child Development (Abington Presbyterian Nursery School Board of Directors), Youth Ministry, Adult Education, Library, and various training programs provided for leadership development.

The church library contains books and magazines for children.