Joyful Bells
Joyful Bells provides an introduction to handbell ringing for grades 3-5. Ringers learn basic techniques of ringing and handbell notations, and they have fun learning ensemble playing. Their work and learning is shared with the congregation through musical offerings at Christmas and in the spring. Rehearsals: Wednesday 4:15 – 4:50.

Festive Ringers
The Festive Ringers include youth grades 6-12. They ring a variety of styles works in bell anthems, processions, hymn accompaniments and descants for worship and on an annual spring tour with the Chapel Choir. All are welcome, but some experience with music reading and ringing is encouraged. Rehearsals Sundays after worship 11:15-12:15 under the direction of Shirley Keiter.

Celebration Ringers
The Celebration Ringers bell choir is open to all adults who join together to ring hymns, accompaniments, and anthems in worship about once a month plus occasional collaborations outside of church. Some basic music familiarity is helpful, but ringing experience is not required.
Rehearsals: Wednesday evenings 6:30-7:30.