Week of Events
Simple Gifts Worship Service
Middle School & Confirmation Sunday School
Adult Forum
Adult Forum
In his essay “The Shock of Faith: It’s Nothing Like I Thought It Would Be,” David Brooks chronicles his transformation from agnosticism to faith. Initially, he perceived faith as a […]
Bible Study
Bible Study
Adult Bible Study continues to explore the book of Hebrews. All are welcome, even if you have not attended the earlier sessions. Bible study runs every week EXCEPT the first Sunday of each month.
Membership Exploration Series
Membership Exploration Series
Have you been considering membership at Abington PC? Are you interested in learning more about this community of faith and meeting others in our congregation? Please join us for a two-session Membership Exploration Series on February 9 and 16 to discuss the Presbyterian tradition, Abington’s ministry and mission, and ways to connect with others in […]
Sunday School – Preschool Through 5th Grade
Celebration Worship Service
Celebrate Love, an Intergenerational Event
Celebrate Love, an Intergenerational Event
An intergenerational event for young, old, and in-between! Join us as we get better acquainted, assemble "tasty treat" bags for Face to Face, hear a "love" story, make some tasty refreshments like Cupid Crunch and a pink Valen-tini master some 'chocolate dipping" techniques. Plan to bring a friend or neighbor for this special event!
Festive Youth Ringers
Boy Scout Eagle Court of Honor
Chapel Choir
Youth Dinner
Youth Fellowship – Super Bowl Party
Organ Rehearsal – Clair Rozier
Stewardship Meeting
Abington Symphony Orchestra
Boy Scout Troop Meeting
Adult Education Committee Meeting
Bible Study
Full Staff Meeting
Program Staff Meeting
MAA Committee Meeting
Joyful Bells
Cherub Choir
Carol Choir
Labyrinth Event
Labyrinth Event
Yes! It’s mid-winter of 2025…with plenty to ponder and unwind from your mind, you are invited to come to walk our beautiful labyrinth together. Walk with one-foot-in-front-of-the-other for our heart health, for our heartaches, for our heart throbs. Come for fellowship and a bite to eat at 6:00 and then walk the labyrinth. This is […]
Celebration Ringers
Deacons Meeting
Circles of Trust – Group 1
Chancel Guild Meeting
Circles of Trust – Group 2
Organ Rehearsal – Tom Faracco
Marian Poole Memorial Service
Marian Poole Memorial Service
A Memorial Service is being held on February 14 at 2 pm in the Rydal Park Auditorium. https://www.echovita.com/us/obituaries/pa/jenkintown/marian-b-poole-19231710