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Week of Events
Simple Gifts Worship Service
Adult Forum
Adult Forum
What is your familiarity with Dietrich Bonhoeffer? Books and films have presented him as a larger than life hero who played a greater role than he actually did in history. So, who was Bonhoeffer, and what can we learn from his story? Join us in the Parlor at 8:45 am on January 5 to discuss […]
Middle School & Confirmation Sunday School
Bible Study
Sr. High Youth Sunday Planning
Sunday School – Preschool Through 5th Grade
Celebration Worship Service
Degreening of Church
CMC Meeting
Festive Youth Ringers
Youth Fellowship
Youth Dinner
Chapel Choir
Girl Scout Troop 73162 Meeting
Care Team Meeting
Older Adults Committee Meeting
Congregational Life Meeting
Boy Scout Troop Meeting
Bible Study
Full Staff Meeting
Program Staff Meeting
MAA Committee Meeting
Joyful Bells
Cherub Choir
Carol Choir
Celebration Ringers
Deacons Meeting